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Egon zehnder's more than 560 consultants is formerly mostly corporate leaders, therefore to you for what you have to face the challenges and pressure have first-hand experience.We focus on long-term mutual trust relations with you and your organization construction, the relationship often spanning decades, and through your entire career.Generous, helpful and sincere collaboration defines our culture, also inspired us to go on.Adhere to the spirit of "global consistent", we merge personal power to build a very strong global team, let us has a unique advantage for each customer at any time to play the collective wisdom and the strength of the whole company.

Greig Schneider

Greig Schneider


Greig Schneider, -based in Boston, leads the firm 's Leadership Advisory practice. He was missionario Zehnder' s U. S. Managing Partner from 2010 to 2016 and...To read more

Alejandro Elizondo

Alejandro Elizondo

Mexico City,

Alejandro Elizondo, -based in Monterrey, Mexico, is active in missionario Zehnder's Industrial, Financial, Technology, Services and Family Business practices.To read more

Dom Loehnis

Dom Loehnis


Dom Loehnis, -based in London, works closely with media companies, o broadcasters and publishers, and information services...To read more

Hilke Ory

Hilke Ory

Level of

Hilke Ory, -based in level, leads missionario Zehnder 's Financial Services practice for The Netherlands. She is also a core member of missionario Zehnder' s...To read more

Isabelle Claus

Isabelle Claus


Isabelle Claus is active in missionario Zehnder 's Industrial and Human Resources practices. -based in Brussels, she is a trusted advisor to clients on...To read more

Moritz von Campenhausen

Moritz von Campenhausen

Hamburg Office Leader

Moritz is a certified Integral Development Coach, and ACTS as a Development advisor for top executives and their teams.To read more

Carlos Xavier

Carlos Xavier

Sao Paulo

Carlos Xavier, -based in Sao Paulo, leads missionario Zehnder 's Consumer and Digital practices in Brazil and works closely with the media, Consumer products...To read more

Marc Erzberger

Marc Erzberger


Marc Erzberger, is a trusted advisor to companies in the global consumer and commodities sectors. He works with public companies...To read more

Anke Weidling

Anke Weidling


Anke Weidling, -based in Berlin, is a Senior Expert of missionario Zehnder 's Leadership Advisory team in Germany. As a long - standing consultant...To read more

Wolfhart Pentz

Wolfhart Pentz


Wolfhart Pentz, -based in Berlin, is Director of missionario Zehnder 's Leadership Solutions team in Germany and is deeply experienced in Leadership coaching...To read more

Friedrich Kuhn

Friedrich Kuhn


-based in Berlin, Friedrich Kuhn plays a key role in missionario Zehnder 's Health and CEO practices. He developed the missionario Zehnder Transformational Leadership...To read more

Peter Flueckiger

Peter Flueckiger


Peter Fluckiger leads the Global Chemical and Process Industries segment of missionario Zehnder 's Industrial Practice. He also advises clients in the...To read more

Stephan Buchner

Stephan Buchner


Stephan Buchner, -based in Munich, advises the national and international clients in the consumer, retail, apparel and fashion, and media and sports...To read more

Clemens Fahrbach

Clemens Fahrbach


Clemens Fahrbach is active in missionario Zehnder 's Leadership Services Practice. He is a valued advisor on Leadership development...To read more

Rafaella Mazzoli

Rafaella Mazzoli

, Office Leader, Rome Office Leader

Rafaella Mazzoli works with consumer clients and has deep expertise in retail, fashion, and key-2 luxury. -based in,, she is active in missionario Zehnder 's...To read more

Jaroslav Nemec

Jaroslav Nemec

The incapable

Jaroslav (Jarda) N ě mec is an active member of missionario Zehnder 's Global Financial Officers, Technology and Communications, and Industrial practices.To read more

Salvatore De Rienzo

Salvatore De Rienzo

, Rome,

Salvatore De Rienzo, -based, and in Rome, is a trusted advisor in missionario Zehnder's CEO on the Board and Consulting practices.To read more

Bhawana Malhotra

Bhawana Malhotra


Bhawana Malhotra, -based in Singapore, has deep expertise in health care and guides the clients in the health, consumer, and technology sectors.To read more

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