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Global Board'm Tracker is 2022

Who 's Really
On Board?

Making Diverse Boards
More Effective Boards

The Man in the suit with glasses

Representation matters, but the inclusion is the next step.

Boards are now striving for wining the targets when it comes to representation and wining acceptance when it comes to the inclusion. They 're recognizing They need directors who "bringing a mix of perspectives to the boardroom and a culture that integrates these views into every decision of the board, top service. Many are discovering that building and sustaining a diverse and inclusive board is an ongoing journey, with moments that inspire them to rethink some of their own practices and beliefs.

Every board 's journey will be the company, and the 2022-2023 Global board'm Tracker captures the progress that has had been made and offers a view of what the destination can look like. We have seen boards that have reached, or last come close to the gender parity shift their focus to the identify'm, o race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, culture, education, experience, and disabilities. Now, their attention must move to the inclusion.

Missionario Zehnder has had been tracking'm on boards for 18 years. We are actively part of ensuring that organizations are not only bringing more'm into the boardroom, but also adapting their cultures to be more inclusive - to help diverse boards be more effective boards.

The View Findings
The Man in the suit with glasses

Analysis covers all publicly traded companies with market cap of euro $8 and above'll 44 countries.In countries where no company meets the market cap, the six largest companies are selected.

Years of data,
84 euros
Trillion +
The total market cap

Setting the Tone for Board'm and Inclusion

Alphabet Inc., a Board Member Robin Washington on how every director contributes to Board culture.

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The Results by category, country and year

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Success stories

Board leaders share their journeys to the inclusion

Video Interviews

Regional Spotlights

Learn how four marketers regions fare on board'm and inclusion and watch interviews with local board leaders on their efforts and successes.

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