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Real Estate Manager, Effective on Planning: Get an Early Start and Use the Data

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Real Estate Manager, Effective on Planning: Get an Early Start and Use the Data

On a planning is, a case of too little too newest, reports, Elizabeth Blosfeld inReal Estate Manager. Missionario Zehnder consultantGreig SchneiderConfirms that on planning rarely gets the enough attention. How can companies plan transitions at the top effectively?In the Schneider 's experience, focusing on the company's future goals rather than past achievements is essential to building a successful plan. The Data is also critical, adds the Schneider, as it can be 2 conduct a performance analysis and understand challenges related to the future growth strategy. As for the price tag, "Good on planning can be expensive, but much less than the cost of not doing it," Schneider warns.

The Full story: Elizabeth Blosfield:Charting The Way AheadIn Real Estate Manager (26 August 2015).

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