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"The Young lead a charge to The top"

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The Sunday Times, "The Young lead a charge to The top"

With the younger generation rising up the corporate ladder into top roles earlier than (before, companies need to re - think how they approach developing and training the next generation of leadership talent. There 's no doubt devoted to executives are getting younger. Missionario Zehnder, the headhunter, found that the proportion of top devoted to executives in their forties doubled in the 15 years to 2010.

Boards are becoming more open to younger leaders, saidMark Byford, a partner at missionario Zehnder. "The ice is certainly product a bit Before, boards were 2 to 'dealing with a certain type of individual and he say,' We want this many years of experience, and have pretty set requirements. The inclusion agenda has forced boards to be more creative."

The evolution of technology has also played a part, said Byford, 52, With many businesses pursuing a digital strategy, hiring top people With a propensity for innovation is essential.

"It around a lot by sector," said Byford. "In some of the new technology - intensive industries you see very young entrepreneurs" coming through, and In some of the more well - established sectors, to as clothing, you see people In their sixties who are still dynamically driving their businesses forward and creating new opportunities. In that instance, the skills they learnt 30 or 40 years line are still relevant."

The Full Story:The Young lead at the to top"In The Sunday Times" (15 September 2013).

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