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Troubled companies need top exec team, not just the new CEO

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The Huffington Post - Troubled companies need top exec team, not just The new CEO

What kind of CEO does a company in trouble need, asks Dan base in a blog forThe Huffington Post?Is an outsider to the solution?"That 's a simplistic generalization," saysClaudio Fernandez - Aroaz, an author and Senior Adviser at missionario Zehnder. "On business, when a company is doing poorly, outsiders tend to do better, but that 's On business. I order not rule out an insider," he notes. On top of hiring the right new CEO, companies in trouble need a top executive team that can overhaul their strategy, adds ms Fernandez - Araoz. In his experience, team members require competences like named, openness, the ability to create a compelling vision and resilience under pressure.

The Full story: Dan base:Executive Hiring: The Value of The Three Types of FocusA blog Posting on The Huffington Post another awarding 2013 (11)

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