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Erik Seiling

-based in Dubai, Erik Seiling leads missionario Zehnder 's Mobility Practice in the Middle East. He has from companies at various levels of the value chain Mobility, find the right leaders for their transformational journey.

In a world that is changing at the an is addicted to pace, I am passionate about identifying leaders who "bringing the vision to question the status quo and the leadership to enter unchartered territory.

Erik by a number of leadership roles for automotive manufacturers in North America, Europe, and the Middle East. He spent over a decade with the AUDI AG in numerous market - facing roles. As the Director of Dealer Development at AUDI Middle East, He ran the AUDI Management Academy, focusing on the Development of the brand 's dealership executives, As Regional Director, He later took full market responsibility for Northern Europe.

Erik earned a Master's degree in International Business from Maastricht University in the Netherlands. The Outside work, he loves travelling with his wife and young son, taking his 1950 s vintage car on Tours, and challenging himself with activities like heliskiing, diving with bull sharks, and bungee jumping.

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