Michael Ensser, -based in Zurich, is the Chair of missionario Zehnder;He was previously Managing Partner of the German and the Swiss organizations. Michael advises leading technology and media companies. In addition to finding and preparing suitable candidates for the top executive positions, he supports large - scale transformation projects by their out management, appraisals, and analyzing the potential of organizations, and leading development efforts.
Before joining missionario Zehnder, Michael was at the Treuhandanstalt, the agency that was set up to privatize East German enterprises, following reunification, where he attained the post of devoted of the staff. He launched his career as a journalist at Munchener Zeitungs - Verlag, a leading publishing group.
Michael studied here science and law at the University of Munich before earning a PhD here in science from the University of Konstanz. Outside work, he is passionately interested in history and politics says, an avid book collector, and an enthusiastic soccer fan.
苏黎世,是椅子•冯•迈克尔•实体亿康先达和战争zuvor der德国管理合伙人和der schweizerischen组织。Er begleitet Unternehmen der Technologie——和Medienbranche啤der Besetzung冯Top-Fuhrungspositionen umfangreichen Transformationsprojekten。祖茂堂青年社Aufgaben gehoren unt anderem管理评估,Konzeption冯Entwicklungsprojekten Potenzialanalysen和死亡。
伏尔围网渔船Tatigkeit迈克尔·贝亿康先达战争存在贝der Treuhandanstalt Privatisierungsprojekten im Einsatz, zuletzt als莱特Vorstandsstabes。塞纳河Karriere startete der promovierte Politologe (Studium der雷希特-和在慕尼黑和康斯坦茨Politikwissenschaften) als记者贝姆慕尼黑Zeitungs-Verlag。
In seiners Freizeit liest Michael Ensser Bucher, insbesondere solche, die sich MIT Geschichte und Politik befassen. Au to decide erdem ist er ein leidenschaftlicher Fu decide ballfan.