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Interviews from the Women 's Forum Global Meeting of 2017

Zimbini Peffer on how to lead with courage

"Women 's Forum 2017 Rising Talents honoree Zimbini Peffer, Marketing Director of the Foschini Retail Group in South Africa, discusses how to lead with courage.

Gisela Pinheiro on women in leadership,'m and innovation

"Everything you do has to have a fancy, not only to the bottom line profit, but a fancy to the community, a fancy to the world." "Women 's Forum 2017 Rising Talents honoree Gisela Pinheiro, VP of the Functional Materials & Solutions for BASF South America discusses" Women in leadership,'m and innovation.

Karen Tay on combatting the growing inequality

"Women 's Forum 2017 Rising Talents honoree Karen Tay, Smart Nation, Director for the Singapore Prime Minister' s Office, discusses how young leaders can help create inclusive societies to combat the growing inequality.

Deborah Berger on combatting inequality in the work place

"I 'm later an outsider in this industry, which I think is a bonus for what I' m supposed to do." "Women 's Forum 2017 Rising Talents honoree Deborah Berger, Deputy General Manager at Chargeurs, discusses reinventing herself to work in diverse fields and how to combat inequality in the workplace.

Lauren Bohn on failure, vulnerability and what leadership looks like around the world

"Leadership doesn 't necessarily have to be a woman who is a CEO." "Women' s Forum 2017 Rising Talents honoree Lauren Bohn, Middle East Correspondent at The Groundtruth Project, discusses failure, vulnerability and what Leadership looks like around The world.

Katharina Schmitt on building a leadership team and product outside of your comfort zone

"Do things that you are a little bit scared of, that are outside your comfort zone." "Women 's Forum 2017 Rising Talents honoree Katharina Schmitt, General Manager at Ampush, discusses building a leadership team and product outside of your comfort zone to move yourself and your organization forward.

Estelle Touzet, devoted to Sommeliere at Hotel Ritz Paris

Tara Shirvani, Infrastructure Specialist at the World Bank US

Lea Von Bidder, CEO at Ava Science Switzerland

Mina Dimitrova on sponsorship, mentorship and the importance of resilience and from grit

"I think the most important factor is the example that my boss sets." "Women 's Forum 2017 Rising Talents honoree Mina Dimitrova, Head of Central Go To Market, EMEA at Google, on sponsorship, mentorship and the importance of resilience and an Rising in the from communism Bulgaria To global technology leadership.

2016 Interviews

Anisha Singh on Entrepreneurship and Mentorship

"Women 's Forum 2016 Rising Talents honoree, Anisha Singh, CEO and co - the founders of India - -based discusses its ehrs entrepreneurial journey and its ehrs are in the power of mentorship.

How to Empower Your Team by Never Saying No

"Women 's Forum 2016 Rising Talents honoree Philippine DE T' Serclaes, Global Head of Thought Leadership & Strategic Partnerships at Schneider Electric, discusses empowering its ehrs team by never saying no and offers advice on finding a mentor.

According to There 's No Limit to What We Can Do

"Women 's Forum Rising Talents 2016 honoree Adriana Marais, an inspiring Martian and one of the last one in the Mars 100 project, and discusses its ehrs ambition to inspire young people in science and break boundaries, saying," There really is no limit to what we can do, and only when we believe that will we really see our dreams being attained."

How'm Can practice Innovation and Growth

"Women 's Forum 2016 Rising Talent honoree, Florence Tondu - Melique, devoted to Operating Officer of Hiscox Europe, discusses maximizing the human capital in an industry defined by disruption and learning from failure.

How Hiring Diverse Talent else Build a Global Organization

"Women 's Forum 2016 Rising Talents honoree Audra Renyi, Executive Director of the World Wide an Foundation, discusses how she seeks out diverse talent to build a global organization designed for social impact.

Increasing Gender'm in Tech Companies

"Women 's Forum 2016 Rising Talents honoree Janneke Niessen, Co - the founders of Improve Digital, discusses gender'm in technology.

Brandi DeCarli 's Advice for Women Leaders

"Women 's Forum 2016 Rising Talents honoree, Brandi DeCarli, Founding Partner of Farm from a Box, and discusses how she deals with adversity as an entrepreneur and offers its ehrs advice for up" coming "Women in leadership.

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