Egon zehnder
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Family business consulting


In most economies, the growth of family enterprises is the important power, to say the most enterprises are family businesses around the world.With its long-term vision of superior ability to create jobs and to set up, the family business made unique contributions to the global economy and the society as a whole.

In many ways, the challenges faced by family firms is derived from its own characteristics.Succession planning, for example, most of the family business leaders still is the founder of the first generation, especially in emerging markets.Leadership which will be transferred to the second or third generation family members, success or failure of transfer of power to a great extent, determines the family business can last success.Western developed economies, on the other hand, the family enterprise scale is growing, its challenges and emerging economies are different.The family enterprise need to a more formal way to balance the interests between family and enterprise, and ensure the continuity of the traditional.

Our aim is for family enterprises find the best talent to build a bright future.Based on our decades of cooperation with the families of the world's leading enterprise experience, we know that the first priority is between members of the family of several generations of unified thought, unified for the entire family business ownership and management concept and method.For this reason, our consultants work closely with members of the family of family business owners and to create a good atmosphere, promoting the best talent.

In order to better serve the family business, the family of egon zehnder international set up special corporate advisory business, its main services include succession, succession planning, founder (between family members and non-family managers to select the best executive), members of the family of the next generation of role planning, corporate governance framework for enterprise and family, etc.

Our family business consulting services mainly revolves around three broad areas:

Corporate governance and family management consulting

Our consultants are in the family, family business owners and management between the driving force of harmonious and unified, tries hard to help the family business in the management of family affairs and the management of business operations to reach an agreement on the question of, in order to ensure a sustained success.This work need to develop clear corporate governance framework, the business management with all separate, provides solutions to the members of the family and family business owners conflict "standard process".Corporate governance form can be taken by the family council, the office, owner, councils, advisory board, etc.We will use global knowledge and experience to provide appropriate governance framework of advisory and determine the scope of their functions and powers of the institutions.According to the operation strategy and the clear assessment of the ownership structure, we will also assist enterprises to selection based on the capacity characteristics of independent directors and independent consultant, so that the corporate governance mechanism can play a positive role, and regularly assess their effectiveness.

Founder and succession of the next generation

Founder of transition to the next generation is every family business to a certain stage where affection is the most easy, the most challenging problems.Every time the intergenerational inheritance is a thinking about the future strategy, ownership structure and management structure.In order to be prepared for the intergenerational inheritance is the key to ensure the family business continued success.This is need long-term management process, not only for emergency preparedness.We can accurately understand the status of the family enterprise current talents and work motivation, control the external and internal best talent purpose driven comparison (especially in the important stage of transition founder), according to the future development strategy and vision of the family enterprise to analyze the potential of existing talents, so as to assist the family business in succession planning.In addition to attract the best external personnel to the family business, we will determine the next generation of the family members of their respective responsibilities, to develop the next generation of leaders of family's inaugural guidance and training and development plan.

Family members and non-family succession top management positions

For many family businesses, recruiting executives from outside is a great challenge.In this type of project at the beginning of the start, we will make sure that all interested parties to recruit how executives can agree on.By identifying based on value, based on the requirement of ability characteristics of top management positions, egon zehnder international help customers determine and evaluate the enterprise internal and external, family members and non-family members of the candidate.Once the company hired the best candidate, I will also in the process of the fusion and hiring staff to provide support for customers, and to evaluate organizational adjustment to the top management team.

Egon zehnder International is a prestigious International association of Family enterprises, Family Business Network International, FBN - I) global sole partner, in the board of directors consultation, executive succession, leadership development and organizational development in the areas of cooperation.FBN -i non-profit organization, in the global 45 countries have more than 4000 member companies, its creed is "the family proprietary, privileged family".

Family business consultingconsultant

Sonny Iqbal

Sonny Iqbal

New Delhi, Bangalore and Mumbai

Global Lead

Sonny Iqbal from found missionario Zehnder 's offices in New Delhi, Bangalore, and Mumbai. He advises family businesses on on, the founders transition...To read more

German Herrera

German Herrera


US Lead

-based in Miami, German leads Herrera missionario Zehnder in the United States, the Firm 's largest and most dynamic market.To read more

, Lauren

, Lauren

Washington, dc.

US Lead

, Lauren serves as Managing Partner in Washington d.c. He also leads missionario Zehnder 's Global Machinery & Industrial Technology practice.To read more

Rajiv Lulla

Rajiv Lulla

Dallas, Palo Alto

Rajiv Lulla is passionate about artificial intelligence and cognitive computing, along with the rise of Industry of 4.0, and enjoys harnessing...To read more

Heather O 'Keefe

Heather O 'Keefe

Houston Office Leader

Heather O 'Keefe leads missionario Zehnder' s U.S. Family Business Advisory Practice. She is also an active member of the Firm 's Consumer...To read more

Justin Casazza

Justin Casazza

Chicago Office Leader, Minneapolis

Justin Casazza is Managing Partner of missionario Zehnder's Chicago Office and co - the leader of the firm 's Business Services Practice globally. He works across indicates...To read more

Michael Portland

Michael Portland


Michael Portland is a member of missionario Zehnder's CEO and Board Consulting practices and has deep expertise in CEO and C - suite on, executive...To read more

Complains Mr Camara

Complains Mr Camara

Chicago, Toronto

-based in Chicago, complains Mr Camara is missionario Zehnder's devoted to Executive Officer, Drawing on his deep experience in natural resources and heavy industry...To read more

Karl Alleman

Karl Alleman


Karl Alleman has a long track record of helping large multinationals, family - owned enterprises, and private equity firms solve their most important...To read more

Home to Carvalho

Home to Carvalho


Gabi Carvalho leads missionario Zehnder 's Financial Services Practice for the Americas focusing on Payments, Retail Banking, FinTech and Insurance.To read more

Mateus Panosso

Mateus Panosso


Mateus Panosso leads missionario Zehnder 's Building Materials and Construction Practice in the US, while also being active in the firm' s Industrial and...To read more

Chen Yaosong

Chen Yaosong

Washington, dc.

Chen Yaosong is egon zehnder, an active member of the advisory board and CEO functions consulting team, based in Shanghai/Beijing.He is trusted by industrial customersTo read more

Julie Kalt

Julie Kalt


Julie Kalt, -based in Boston, is a leader in missionario Zehnder 's Leadership Advisory Practice. Julie partners with clients on Leadership assessment...To read more



Mexico City,

Santiago Rivera - Torres, -based in Mexico City, leads missionario Zehnder 's Financial Services Practice in Mexico. He is valued by clients for his business...To read more

Carlos Lieja

Carlos Lieja

Mexico City,

Carlos Lieja, -based in Mexico City, is active in missionario Zehnder 's Technology & Communications, Consumer, and Mobility & Automotive practices.To read more

Alejandro Elizondo

Alejandro Elizondo

Mexico City,

Alejandro Elizondo, -based in Monterrey, Mexico, is active in missionario Zehnder's Industrial, Financial, Technology, Services and Family Business practices.To read more

Thought Leadership|Family business consulting

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Most Livemint - Family Businesses Could Improve Upon on Planning

"Good governance is the key to long - term success, especially in family - owned business, where stakeholder relationships are, complex," says Sonny Iqbal, co - leader of missionario Zehnder 's...To read more

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