From large data are used to speed up research and development of drugs, to use artificial intelligence to predict consumers purchase law of science and technology is not only a business in transition, and it is in each part of almost every enterprise.Every organization, no matter what products or services it provides, are based on a huge data network and from the data acquisition of insight.
This new reality has reset the marker of technology leadership, it forces companies to re-examine all aspects of the technical function is how to grow into other parts of the organization.Egon zehnder的技术高管咨询团队与各行业的组织开展合作,确保您的领导者拥有从后台职能到消费者体验的整个价值链的专业知识。我们已帮助众多行业的企业打造面向未来的技术组织,并由能够推进文化变革和业务战略的领导人才来统率这些组织。凭借全球63家分支机构和大多来自相关行业的顾问团队,我们兼具跨国经验和深厚的行业根基。我们覆盖信息与技术领域的多种职能,包括首席信息官、首席技术官、首席信息安全官、应用软件、基础架构、以及数据解析/大数据。我们希望运用这些专业知识来为您效力。