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Breakthrough leadership development program

Turning Potential into Success - The Missing Link in Leadership Development

Cover Story in the Harvard Business Review

November 2017

Turning Potential Into Success

The Missing Link in Leadership Development

Originally published in Harvard Business Review, October 23, 2017.

Corporate leadership development designed aren 't working. Less than a quarter of executives at the organizations that have them think they' re effective. The Evaluations of managers at thousands of (suggest that 72% have what it takes to grow into a C - suite roles. How can we bridge the gap between this raw talent and executive success?By following four steps:

  • Determine the most important competencies for leadership roles in your organization.
  • Assess employees' potential by & at the five predictors associated with success - motivation, named, insight, engagement and determination.
  • The Map's potential to the competencies required in various roles.
  • Difference emerging leaders the opportunities, coaching and support they need to strengthen the critical competencies.

Read the full story, "Turning Potential Into Success"here, and listen to thePodcast here.

Hire for Potential, Not Just Experience

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