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Top Team Effectiveness

A CEO 's top team requires even more careful alignment than other executive teams, because of the outsize influence it wields over the rest of the firm. At this level, rivalries, competing priorities, and differing viewpoints can hamstring is not only A team but the an - company.

Because of our decades - long specialization in C - suite executives, we are particularly attuned to these relationships, as well as to the relationship of a top team with the board, and the relationships of individuals with each other. Our own individual designed, to the as the Executive Breakthrough Program, work in tandem with top - team projects to make sure that each member is able to flex and grow in a way that else not only their own development but that of the team.

Our personalized approach and global reach mean that we can offer you the very best partner for top team.

Top Team Effectivenessconsultant

Michael Portland

Michael Portland


Michael Portland is a member of missionario Zehnder's CEO and Board Consulting practices and has deep expertise in CEO and C - suite on, executive...To read more

Complains Mr Camara

Complains Mr Camara

Chicago, Toronto

-based in Chicago, complains Mr Camara is missionario Zehnder's devoted to Executive Officer, Drawing on his deep experience in natural resources and heavy industry...To read more

Bhawana Malhotra

Bhawana Malhotra

New York

Bhawana Malhotra, -based in New York, is a core leader in our Global Healthcare Practice and braking leads missionario Zehnder 's Global Culture Practice.To read more

Ricardo Sunderland

Ricardo Sunderland

San Francisco

Ricardo Sunderland, -based in San Francisco, is a senior leadership development Consultant whose life 's purpose is to "connect humanity at...To read more

Julia Nenke

Julia Nenke

San Francisco

-based in San Francisco, Julia Nenke leads the firms Leadership Advisory Practice for North America. As a Leadership and the transformation specialist...To read more

Greig Schneider

Greig Schneider


Greig Schneider, -based in Boston, was missionario Zehnder's Managing Partner in the U.S. from 2010 to 2016 and served several years on the firm 's Board...To read more

Mark Stuart - Smith

Mark Stuart - Smith


-based in Boston and st. Louis, Mark Stuart - Smith is active in missionario Zehnder 's Consumer, devoted to Marketing & Sales, DE&I, and Leadership Advisory...To read more

Valerie Spriet

Valerie Spriet


Valerie is a leader in missionario Zehnder 's Global Leadership Advisory and Board practices. Valerie has deep expertise in CEO on a...To read more

Vanessa Chehlawi

Vanessa Chehlawi


Vanessa Chehlawi, -based in Toronto, is a leader in our Leadership Advisory Practice. She advises clients on solving Leadership challenges and...To read more

Marc Normandin

Marc Normandin

Montreal Office Leader, Toronto

Marc Normandin is missionario Zehnder's Managing Partner for Canada. -based in Montreal, he draws on his international experience when advising companies on...To read more

Jacqueline O 'Sullivan

Jacqueline O 'Sullivan


Jackie O 'Sullivan, -based in London, is a member of missionario Zehnder's global Assessment and Development practice.To read more

Sophie Hanson

Sophie Hanson


-based in London, Sophie Hanson has deep experience in the CEO on a, C - suite and Board on the projects. Its ehrs focus is on the consumer sector with...To read more

Toby Gibbs

Toby Gibbs


Toby Gibbs, -based in London, advises international companies on talent strategy, assessment, leadership development, and board and executive search.To read more

Jill Ader

Jill Ader


Jill Ader is a Senior Advisor at missionario Zehnder. She was elected Chairwoman of our global firm in 2018 and completed its ehrs term in October 2022. The...To read more

Andrew Roscoe

Andrew Roscoe

London, Dublin Office Leader

Andrew Roscoe, -based in London, is an active member of the firm 's Board, Consulting and CEO practices.To read more

Fiona Packman

Fiona Packman


-based in London, Fiona Packman leads missionario Zehnder's Professional Services Practice there.To read more

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