总部位于波哥大的JulianaRodríguezCaicedo为拉丁美洲的客户提供服务,是Egon Zehnder的金融服务和消费者实践的活跃成员。她在新兴市场和社会部门,多样性和包容性以及投资银行和财务管理方面拥有深厚的专业知识。
在加入Egon Zehnder之前,Juliana是哥伦比亚Capital Advisory Partners的合伙人。此前,她与精品投资银行公司Athelera LLC合作,首先担任纽约母公司副总裁,然后建立并领导其哥伦比亚子公司Athelera Andina。朱莉安娜(Juliana)在墨西哥的罗斯柴尔德公司(Rothschild&Co。)开始了她的职业生涯,违法行为,拜罗姆(Byorum)和波哥大的合作伙伴。
Juliana earned a BS in industrial engineering from the Universidad de los Andes, in Bogotá, a master’s in economic development from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, and a postgraduate degree in international management from the ICN Graduate School of Business, in France. She is married with two young children and loves cooking, good food, and traveling to new places with her family. Juliana supports foundations dedicated to primary-level education and loves playing tennis and running.