普威,eBay,Egon Zehnder和Edelman召集了来自硅谷的高级公关专家,讨论了Comms和Tech行业面临的最佳实践和大问题,并在三月的小组讨论中在San Jose的Ebay总部进行了讨论。普威主编史蒂夫·巴雷特(Steve Barrett)主持了埃贡·Zehnder(Egon Zehnder)的讨论阿曼达·罗伯茨(Amanda Roberts)。Roberts spoke on the importance of having communications leaders on the executive team saying, "Not as many CCOs report to the CEO as we would like. It’s a balance and it’s not industry-specific. A lot of comms people report to marketing and the lines are blurred between who owns the content and who owns the channels. With the recent focus on brand and company reputation, communications leaders have an incredible opportunity to show their strategic stripes and align themselves closely with CEOs and be a trusted adviser. If you show that discipline and link communications to business strategy, there is an opportunity to play a larger role on the executive team.” The panel also commented on the importance of agility for communications leaders working in the tech industry. In an inherently innovative and disruptive space, identifying high-potential, agile leaders is critical for the communications function.
全文:阿曼达·罗伯茨(Amanda Roberts):“在PR后世界中的通讯”(2017年6月)。