IHS(视频) - 在能源行业董事会中找到价值
能源行业的股东活动主义继续上升,但是一旦激进主义者退出其临时所有权立场,对公司回报的影响通常是短暂的。根据埃贡·Zehnder(Egon Zehnder)的北美能源实践负责人的说法史蒂文·古德曼,通过董事会有效性审查,董事会提高公司绩效的长期改善的一种方法是。In a video interview filmed on site at the 2015 CERAWeek conference in Houston with IHS’ Atul Arya, Goodman discussed a typical review, which provides recommendations on the structure, roles and responsibilities, as well as behaviors of each of the board members, and can help improve a board’s decisions around strategic scenarios, capital allocation, and CEO performance and succession.
观看完整视频:与IHS的史蒂文·古德曼(Steven Goodman)(2015年4月23日)