戴尔·麦克德莫特(Dale McDermott)总部位于多伦多,属于埃贡·Zehnder(Egon Zehnder)的消费者,金融服务和工业实践。他利用他的广泛咨询和公共部门的经验来洞悉行业的客户掌握挑战。戴尔(Dale)的专业知识在营销,传播,公共事务,可持续性和监管事务方面尤其深入。他还活跃于该公司的公共和社会部门,服务,技术和传播实践。
在加入Egon Zehnder之前,Dale曾在CGLCC,加拿大LGBT+和商会担任首席运营官,在那里他负责所有活动,编程和政策。在此之前,他曾在多伦多的Salesforce担任该组织全球战略和运营实践的高级项目负责人。早些时候,戴尔(Dale)是恩斯特(Ernst&Young)的高级顾问,为爱尔兰,英国和加拿大各个部门的客户提供建议。
戴尔(Dale)获得了都柏林技术大学的会计和财务学士学位。He is a member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee of the Canadian Club of Toronto, Canada’s oldest public affairs podium, and belongs to the Banff Forum, a network of Canadian leaders in the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors who are committed to reinvigorating debate on key public policy issues with the goal of building a better Canada. Dale is also a Fellow of CivicAction’s DiverseCity Fellows program, an award-winning leadership experience for rising leaders in the Greater Toronto Area. Earlier, he served as the president of Ireland’s largest youth political organization, Young Fine Gael.