数值计算研究机首席财务官的日子肯定是结束了。今天的首席财务官被广泛承认是关键战略顾问,在许多情况下,潜在的ceo,德国金融日报报道专文。的话说卡斯帕·冯·Blomberg顾问在亿康先达的财务官练习小组,“首席财务官现在CEO最重要的陪练。”In his experience, “The modern CFO needs to have operational experience, an understanding of how the company works as a whole as well as how s/ he can motivate staff through difficult processes of change.” Today’s top CFOs also need razor-sharp communication skills that enable them to inspire confidence in the capital markets and handle the information needs of staff and the media. But “Not every good CFO automatically makes a good CEO,” warns von Blomberg. In many cases CFO lack the ability to strike out into uncharted territory. “That is a question of identity and is hard to learn”, he concludes.
完整的故事:b Frondhoff & s·霍夫曼:“死Zahlen-Kolonne”(“列数”)专文(2015年7月9日)。(仅可在德国,在打印版7月9日)。