Egon Zehnder’s 2020 Global Board Diversity Tracker, which analyses companies with a market cap of €6billion, put the number of board seats held by women in Latin America at 11.6 per cent in 2020, an increase of only 3.3 percentage points in two years, compared to 32 per cent in Western Europe and 27 per cent in the US and Canada.1
有两个主要力量可能会改变该地区董事会上妇女代表的步伐 - 共同19-19大流行和持续的社会压力。大流行影响了某些国家的人才管道和资本市场缩减资本市场,从而减少了投资者推动独立或多样化董事会成员的机会。同时,社会动荡正在迫使多样性进入董事会议程的顶部,这可能会加速某些国家的变化步伐。